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Matchmaking in Canada

Simply Dating provides a free Matchmaking service to our members which can assist in the online search toward the right Ukrainian lady.

In order to use the matchmaking service, you have to complete your profile to at least 90% or more and must include a profile photo.

You should be particular and detailed when completing the "About me" and "Ideal mate" descriptions in your profile. Our team will use this information to find 5 ladies who meet your requirements.

The process is very simple; you just need to go to the Matchmaking service page and submit a request.

The 5 ladies who we feel may be a good match to you will be identified and their usernames and the direct links to their profiles will be emailed to you.

The ladies can be added to your Favorites list enabling you to contact them at any time, via messaging, or an invitation to chat.

If you decide not to get in touch with any of the ladies we suggest, that is fine. You are not obliged to contact them.

The Matchmaking service on Simply Dating is absolutely free and available to all our members.

Request matchmaking report

Completing the steps below will allow you to submit a request for a matchmaking report.

90% completed profile
Upload a profile photo
Please log in to enquire about matchmaking services
Only 1 matchmaking inquiry may be submitted per member.